Software Development
Festival Bingo
Title: Festival Bingo
Description: Developed a web application for Carnegie Mellon University's Entertainment Technology Center's festival showcase using JavaScript, Node.js and ExpressJS. Used by over 600 users, allow attendees to track their progress through interactive project experiences. Utilized MongoDB to create a RESTful API and employed Azure Cloud Infrastructure as service to manage user data.
Language: JavaScript (node.js, Express)
Discuss And Meet
Title: Discuss and Meet app
Description: A forum-based discussion app designed in Android Studio that utilized features lof using real-time database (Firebase), fragments, recycler view, security, memory performance and external services. Allow users to streamline academic planning with discussion post and set up in-person meetings (share location via Google Maps) or online meetings (via online chat room).
Language: Java
Code Interpreter
Title: Code Interpreter
Description: Interpreted code as input, produced an abstract parse tree by consuming a stream of tokens produced by tokenizer. Program will print the inputted code in proper spacing format using printer and execute the printed code.
Language: Java
Smart AI Tic-Tac-Toe
Title: Tic-Tac-Toe with Smart AI
Description: Accomplished playable version of Tic-Tac-Toe with smart AI that will never lose by using Alpha-beta pruning algorithm.
Language: JavaScript